0000266: [development] Add search to local sync (domjos)
0000265: [development] Don't show Issues which doesn't belong to selected project (domjos)
0000268: [development] Add settings to bugtracker specific settings show (domjos)
       0000267: [development] add settings for bugtracker specific settings (domjos)
0000242: [development] Button To Set summary To description (domjos)
0000249: [development] Add logging to app (domjos)
0000236: [development] Reporting with diagrams (domjos)
0000256: [development] Show statistics of issue tracker as activity or maybe report (domjos)
0000254: [development] Take picture as attachment of a new issue (domjos)
0000238: [development] Give the tabs a name or describe the content (domjos)
0000239: [development] Add item if list is empty (domjos)
0000264: [development] Synchronize Bugs to local storage as folder structure (domjos)
0000240: [development] Bug text will be cutted if too long (domjos)
0000243: [development] Error Message on save mantisbt bugs (domjos)
0000237: [development] Mantisbt Project with no bugs error (domjos)
0000257: [development] Problems with the loading of issues on changing project (domjos)
0000231: [development] News Account combobox doesn't reload (domjos)
0000214: [development] Create tutorial with spotlight library on first start (domjos)
0000247: [development] Change icons of notifications to the icons of the type (domjos)
0000248: [development] add settings for loading data in mobile net (domjos)
0000244: [development] Show Numbers of bugs (domjos)
0000246: [development] form To commit a bug (domjos)
0000250: [development] Show Attachmen directly (domjos)
0000234: [development] Validation text no space (domjos)
0000233: [development] Change tracker combobox if title has a tracker in it (domjos)
0000229: [development] Add spotlight library to readme (domjos)
0000224: [development] Project Icon doesn't show (domjos)
0000221: [development] Account Icon doesn't show (domjos)
0000230: [documentation] Add spotlight library to website (domjos)
29 issues View Issues